What it's all about

It's all about Zeebre's things with her friend, Graffie, having the time of their lives together and being together for ever.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Zeebre Knows...ALPACA FUZZ

E-Monster: What is ALPACA FUZZ??                              

Zeebre: ALPACA FUZZ is fur that keeps ALPACAS warm in\till warm wether comes.

Mommy B: Zeebre, why are their hairdos so crazy?

Zeebre: Because there is a party on their heads!!!!!!

Mommy B: What happens to the hair of sad ALPACAS?

Zeebre: It swooshes. It bounces. It makes them happy again.

E-Monster: THANK YOU ZEEBRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hello! Just checking in on Zebree&Dan today...Did Zebree get glasses?
    ~ Ms. B.

  2. Zeebre did not get glasses. She only wears them when she does the Zeebre Knows.Thank you for checking on Zeebre!!!
