What it's all about

It's all about Zeebre's things with her friend, Graffie, having the time of their lives together and being together for ever.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Wedding Mementos

Photos from Zeebre and Dan's rocking wedding. They frolicked and grazed all afternoon!

Zeebre's wedding dress was handmade with love by E-Monster's Ahma. 

Grafie cried just a little, she was so happy for her best friend, Zeebre, and for Dan. It has made her think that maybe she is ready to find a boyfriend of her own. 

Russell was so overcome with joy, she rolled on the ground a million and one times! Seriously, she was so dirty. E-Monster picked twigs and leaves out of her ears for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. Oh, Russell!

Russell doesn't want a boyfriend, she just wants more dirt.