What it's all about

It's all about Zeebre's things with her friend, Graffie, having the time of their lives together and being together for ever.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Zeebre plus a friend challenges

Zeebre-  Im here today with my BFF Giraffe were doeing a challenge  who can climb  a tree the highest so the challenge starts now.

The winner is me Zeebre. Giraffe was scared to climb that high and upside down.                         


 Zeebre- So we have to see to see who gets the funny glasses.

Giraffe- Instant win I got those at a school dance they were 5 bucks those glasses were the best choice of my life.


So its the who can walk the most challenge

Zeebre- cool I won I really won the tie braker!!!

So thats all we could do today for the Zeebre plus a friend Challenges so goodbye.

Monday, November 27, 2017


The babies are here. They are both girls!!

It was a pretty easy delivery, considering Zeebre had twins.

Zeebre was in bed in the hospital for three days. She was so excited she could barely contain her hooves.

E-Monster- When the hooves went crazy i was miserable because she mauled me so much i was to sad to even eat a donut. 


Britney was born first she popped out with spunk! She was 7.9 ounces, seven inches.

Genette held on she didnt want to go at all! She was sad when she came out. She was 6.2 ounces and was six and a half inches.

Now, the babies are both happy to be here, snoogled in with their mom and dad.

Even though they may look a lot alike, you can tell who is who by their stripes.

the one over there ---> is Genette
the one over there <--- is Britney

Zeebre is the happiest zebra mommy on the planet! She can't cuddle her little babies enough. What a day in the life of a purple zebra!

Baby Shower Funtime!

Zeebre and Dan had a terrific baby shower for their little twin girlies.

 The decorations were AMAZING. Zeebre loved them. Balloons filled the room, and party favors spilled over the table. What a day!

WOW, Zeebs and Dan sure did get a lot of baby goodies for their little bundles of joy. It was a great party with our closest cousins, who helped make the event extra special. Thank you Bean and Nimmy!

There was so much to carry home! Now Zeebre and Dan have everything they need. Yea!!!

There were even games. Bean made a wonderfully life-like baby zebra out of clay in Zeebre's colors.

Nimmy made an adorbs baby and even put her to bed. Look at that, no fuss.

That was the best time Zeebre and Dan ever had!!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Zeebre is Having......


Congratulations, Zeebre & Dan!
We can't wait to meet your girls.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Zeebre Knows...Babies!

E-Monster: what are babies zeebre?

Zeebre:Babies are well babies.I don't know what to say other than babies are born a breed of animal a baby human is the spawn of a human.Babies are born by being brought to you from ALIENS from outer space.

Mommy B: What do you do to take care of them, Zeebre?

Zeebre:step #1get the baby from aliens.step #2 hug the baby.step #3 swaddle the baby.step #4 throw a party.

E-Monster: do you have anything to tell me zeebs?


Sunday Crafting

Zeebs and Graffie were bored, until they decided to paint and color rocks. That's right! They spent an ENTIRE Sunday afternoon painting rocks, with the help of their pet bunnies.

They like to paint rocks and hide them around town for others to find. It makes people smile. And making people smile is one of Zeebre and Graffie's favorite things in the whole wide world. In fact, a lot of other people like to do the same thing, so sometimes it's Zeebre or Graffie who FIND a rock, thanks to somebody else!

Of course, you know Zeebs and her best friend. 
There's always goofiness when they are afoot... I mean, ahoof.

We were only asking for a few photos, but things started getting silly. 
Graffie snuck up behind Zeebre!

But Zeebre caught her!

And then... 


Zeebre thought it was gross butt hilarious, and then they giggled and finished painting their rocks.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Zeebre Knows...WRITING

Effects by Photo Lab
E-Monster: Zeebre, what do you need to WRITE a story?

Zeebre:A pen or pencil,your mind. And write down jot notes then put your notes together then put a cover on it along with a back cover and the spine.

 Mommy B: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

Zeebre:  it would be about myself. 

Mommy B: We would read that!

Zeebre is...

We have not written in a while, but life has been good. Zeebre and Dan have settled into marriage just fine. However, one month after the wedding, Zeebre was soon acting weird.

We figured out what the problem was.

These were her symptoms:
-Sometimes nausea
-Her stomach hurt
-A craving for potatoes with salt, strawberry jam, carrots, cottage cheese, and last but not least lasagna
-Too tired to play video games or pet the cat

When we asked her what was wrong, she showed us this...

 E-Monster: What does that mean Zeebre?

Zeebre: I have a bun in the oven!!!!


Congratulations Zeebre and Dan!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Wedding Mementos

Photos from Zeebre and Dan's rocking wedding. They frolicked and grazed all afternoon!

Zeebre's wedding dress was handmade with love by E-Monster's Ahma. 

Grafie cried just a little, she was so happy for her best friend, Zeebre, and for Dan. It has made her think that maybe she is ready to find a boyfriend of her own. 

Russell was so overcome with joy, she rolled on the ground a million and one times! Seriously, she was so dirty. E-Monster picked twigs and leaves out of her ears for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. Oh, Russell!

Russell doesn't want a boyfriend, she just wants more dirt.