Mommy B: Well, we have had quite a time here. All of the little furry ones came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth last week, right after Zeebs and Dan got married. : ( But don't worry, they are on the mend! E-Monster has been taking excellent care of them. And there will be fun wedding photos posted once everyone is all better.
E-Monster: How did you guys get hand,foot,mouth????
Mommy B: Or should that be 'hoof, hoof, and snout'?
Zeebre: i don't know. it is a virus. i might have grazed in the same area as a sick zebra or maybe someone sneezed onto my snout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or i forgot to wash my hooves after i touched stuff and then Dan and Graffie touched stuff to.
Graffie: Maybe you touched poop!
Zeebre: no.
Graffie: Could have...
Zeebre: nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I DIDNT TOUCH POOOP!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommy B: Well, Zeebs, that's why you should always wash your hands, err- I mean hooves. And not with your tongue!
Zappie: If I touch shells that other octopodes touch will I get tentacle, tentacle, mouth?
Mommy B: Possibly, Zappie. So wash your tentacles after you juggle those shells. And don't lick them. No, Zappie! Don't lick them!
E-Monster: Don't lick them!
Mommy B: And don't touch stuff that anyone else could have put in their mouths.
Graffie: Or poop!
Mommy B: Graffie! ......Okay, or poop......
Russell: Could I get paw, paw, mouth?????????????????
Mommy B: I suppose so. Don't worry, Russell. Everybody gets sick sometimes.
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