What it's all about

It's all about Zeebre's things with her friend, Graffie, having the time of their lives together and being together for ever.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Sickness

Mommy B: Well, we have had quite a time here. All of the little furry ones came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth last week, right after Zeebs and Dan got married. : ( But don't worry, they are on the mend! E-Monster has been taking excellent care of them. And there will be fun wedding photos posted once everyone is all better.

E-Monster: How did you guys get hand,foot,mouth????

Mommy B: Or should that be 'hoof, hoof, and snout'?

Zeebre: i don't know. it is a virus. i might have grazed in the same area as a sick zebra or maybe someone sneezed onto my snout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or i forgot to wash my hooves after i touched stuff and then Dan and Graffie touched stuff to.

Graffie: Maybe you touched poop!

Zeebre: no.

Graffie: Could have...

Zeebre: nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I DIDNT TOUCH POOOP!!!!!!!!!!! 

Mommy B: Well, Zeebs, that's why you should always wash your hands, err- I mean hooves. And not with your tongue!

Zappie: If I touch shells that other octopodes touch will I get tentacle, tentacle, mouth?

Mommy B: Possibly, Zappie. So wash your tentacles after you juggle those shells. And don't lick them. No, Zappie! Don't lick them!

E-Monster: Don't lick them!

Mommy B: And don't touch stuff that anyone else could have put in their mouths.
Graffie: Or poop!

Mommy B: Graffie! ......Okay, or poop......

Russell: Could I get paw, paw, mouth?????????????????

  Mommy B: I suppose so. Don't worry, Russell. Everybody gets sick sometimes. 

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